Selasa, 18 Disember 2012

True Bioscience LH Urine Ovulation Test cassette For Sale



Prices:      1 PCS FOR ONLY RM15



How the Ovulation Test Works:
This test will help you find the time when you are most able to become pregnant. It can help you plan your pregnancy. Luteinizing hormone(LH) is always present in human urine. It increases just before a woman’s most fertile day of the month. This LH increase triggers ovulation. During ovulation an egg is released from the ovary. Because the egg can be fertilized only 6 to 24 hours after ovulation, detecting ovulation in advance is very important. Please read these instructions fully.

1. Read this entire pamphlet carefully. Do not open the foil packet until you are ready to perform the test.
2. Do not use the test after the expiration date printed on the package.
3. Store at room temperature 4-30oC (40-86oF). Do not freeze.
4. The test can be used any time of day.
5. Select a well-light room with a clean, flat surface for performing the test.

1. Do not use first morning urine samples as LH is synthesized in your body early in the morning. It will not show up in your urine until later in the day.
2. The best time to collect your urine is between 10am - 8pm.
3. Collect urine at about the same time each day. Use a sterile container each time
4. Reduce liquid intake about 2 hours before collecting your urine as a diluted urine sample can prevent the test from detecting LH surge.

Please refer to the table below for information on when to start using the ovulation tests:
When to Start Testing
Your Cycle Length Day to Start On
21 days Day 6
22 days Day 6
23 days Day 7
24 days Day 7
25 days Day 8
26 days Day 9
27 days Day 10
28 days Day 11
29 days Day 12
30 days Day 13
31 days Day 14
32 days Day 15
33 days Day 16
34 days Day 17
35 days Day 18
36 days Day 19
37 days Day 20
38 days Day 21
39 days Day 22
40 days Day 23


Bring the test pouch to room temperature (18-30?C). To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove the test from the pouch.

Holding the strip vertically carefully dip it into the specimen. Do not immerse the strip past the maximum line (figure 1).

The strip can be removed from the specimen when red dye begins to migrate through the Result Window. Interpret test results at 5 minutes.

Contact method/details: Please order by sms +6014-6116538


How to Use Your HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Cassette

 How to Use Your HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Cassette

The best sample for performing your HCG urine pregnancy test cassette is 


Rabu, 5 Disember 2012

Key nutrients during pregnancy

Key nutrients during pregnancy


Certain nutrients play particularly important roles in your baby’s development during pregnancy.

Folic acid

Folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida. The most important time to take it is a few months before you conceive and during the first trimester (12 weeks). During this period, it’s important that you are eating a healthy balanced diet as well as taking a folic acid supplement. You can also include folic acid-rich foods in your diet such as green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, beans, and peas; and fruits such as oranges.

Iron and Vitamin C

Iron is one of the key nutrients you need throughout pregnancy – it’s important for carrying extra oxygen around in your red blood cells and your baby needs it for their developing brain.

If you run short now, your baby may be fine but you’ll run the risk of becoming anaemic, which will leave you feeling tired, washed-out and generally unwell. Your doctor may recommend an iron supplement. If not, make sure you have plenty of iron-rich foods in your diet such as red meat, fish, eggs, dried fruit, wholegrain breakfast cereals and breads, and green leafy vegetables.

Iron is best absorbed by your body if you also eat some fruit or vegetables rich in Vitamin C at the same time, so have a glass of fruit juice with your cereal or have some fresh fruit as a starter to your main course.

Omega 3 fatty acid

Getting enough omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy is important, as they will help your baby’s nervous system to develop healthily, as well as help prevent you from getting heart disease. Plus, studies have shown omega fats taken during pregnancy can lead to a brainier baby!

Oily fish like sardines, mackerel and salmon are all rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids but you shouldn’t have more than two portions a week, as the fish can also contain mercury, high levels of which can be harmful for your baby. Alternative sources of omega 3 fatty acids are seeds such as pumpkin and flax – you’ll need about two tablespoons a day – or you can always have a supplement instead.

Prenatal vitamin supplement

You could opt for just one multivitamin supplement specially made for women trying to conceive or who are pregnant. It’ll help you get the right balance of nutrients recommended for a healthy pregnancy, including folic acid and iron.

But make sure you choose a supplement made for use during conception and pregnancy and not a regular multivitamin, as these can contain potentially high levels of the vitamins you should be avoiding.

Vitamins to avoid during pregnancy:

Vitamin A

Foods such as liver sausage, are good sources of iron but it can also contain very high concentrations of Vitamin A which can harm your baby if consumed in high amounts.

It is recommended that pregnant women should avoid liver and liver products. You should also be aware that some vitamin supplements are high in this vitamin, so always choose a safe pregnancy supplement. Your doctor will be able to help you with this.

However, there is a form of Vitamin A, known as carotene, which is fine for pregnant women to have. Carotene can be found in red, yellow and orange peppers, mangoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, tomatoes and watercress.

Jumaat, 16 November 2012


Mengapa asid folik diperlukan
  • Apakah asid folik?
  • Kenapakah saya perlukan asid folik?
  • Berapakah jumlah asid folik yang saya perlukan?
  • Apakah sumber makanan yang terbaik?

Apakah asid folik?
Asid folk adalah salah satu vitamin kumpulan B. Ia wujud secara semulajadi sebagai folat dalam kekacang, sayuran hijau, beberapa buah, dan juga yis and ekstrak daging lembu.
Kenapakah saya perlukan asid folik?
Asid folik menolong mencegah kecacatan tiub saraf seperti spina bifida. Spina bifida terjadi apabila pelindung yang menutupi korda spina bayi tidak menutup dengan sempurna. Ini boleh menyebabkan kerosakan saraf kekal.

Pada 12 minggu yang pertama dalam kehamilan anda, otak dan sistem saraf bayi anda sedang membentuk dan berkembang pesat. Oleh sebab itu, adalah sangat penting untuk mengambil folik asid setiap hari pada masa itu.

Dalam trimester kedua, iaitu dari minggu ke-13 kehamilan anda, anda boleh menghentikan asid folik. Namun begitu, jika anda mengambil asid folik sepanjang kehamilan anda, ia tidak akan menjejaskan kesihatan anda atau bayi anda.
Berapakah jumlah asid folik yang saya perlukan?
Sebelum anda hamil, anda dinasihatkan supaya mengambil 400 mikrogram (mcg) asid folik setiap hari. Kemudian, teruskan mengambilnya untuk 12 minggu yang pertama kehamilan. Adalah baik jika anda makan makanan yang kaya dengan folat.

Wanita yang telah mempunyai seorang anak dengan kecacatan tiub saraf mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat seorang lagi anak dengan kecacatan yang sama. Dalam kes ini, doktor akan mempreskripsikan dos asid folik yang lebih tinggi.

Jika anda mengambil ubat-ubatan tertentu, seperti yang dipreskripsi untuk mengawal epilepsi, doktor anda mungkin mempreskripsikan dos asid folik yang lebih tinggi. Ini kerana ubat-ubatan itu menghalang keupayaan badan anda menyerap asid folik.
Apakah sumber makanan yang terbaik?
Makanan yang kaya folat adalah sangat baik bagi anda dan bayi anda. Makanan ini juga kaya dengan pelbagai khasiat yang diperlukan oleh anda berdua. Berikut adalah makanan kaya folat:

Makanan berikut mengandungi 100–200 mikrogram folat bagi setiap hidangan:
  • bayam, 1 cawan;
  • kacang bendi, setengah cawan;
  • asparagus, setengah cawan;
  • lentil, setengah cawan;
  • hati, 1 keping;
  • 11 kubis brussels;
  • kacang black-eyed beans, 4 sudu makan;
  • emping bran, 7 sudu makan;
  • germa gandum, 25g / 1 aun;
  • betik sederhana besar.
Makanan berikut mengandungi 50–100 mikrogram folat bagi setiap hidangan:
  • brokoli kukus, 2 pucuk;
  • buah oren saiz besar;
  • nasi putih, setengah cawan;
  • oat, setengah cawan;
  • kacang merah, setengah cawan;
  • jagung saiz besar, 1;
  • biji bunga matahari, 1 aun.
Sumber lain yang mudah didapati termasuklah telur rebus bersaiz besar, ikan salmon dalam tin dan ubi kentang tidak dibuang kulit.

Sila maklum: Asid folik dalam makanan akan dimusnahkan jika ia terlebih masak, jadi masaklah dalam kuali bertutup dengan jumlah air mendidih yang minima. Cuba makan sayur-sayuran yang dicelur atau dimasak menggunakan ketuhar gelombang mikro atau mentah.

Khamis, 15 November 2012

The power of Al-Fatihah to your baby

Selasa, 6 November 2012

Ayat Al-Quran Mendapat Zuriat

Terjemahannya: Wahai Tuhanku!Janganlah Engkau biarkan daku seorang diri (dengan tidak meninggalkan zuriat); dan Engkaulah jua sebaik-baik Yang mewarisi!" (surah al-Anbiya' ayat 89)

Terjemahannya: Wahai Tuhanku! kurniakanlah kepadaKu dari sisiMu zuriat keturunan Yang baik; Sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa mendengar (menerima) doa permohonan" (surah Ali Imran ayat 38)

Maha suci Tuhan yang urusannya antara "kaf" dan "nun". Maha suci Allah yang urusannya apabila DIA menghendaki sesuatu, Ia berkata "Jadilah. maka akan jadilah". Aku bermohon kepada Allah yang maha Agung, Tuhan yang memiliki Arasy yang Agung agar DIA menyembuhkan dikau.

Isnin, 5 November 2012

Should I be eating for two during my pregnancy?

Should I be eating for two during my pregnancy?

How many extra calories do I need to eat?

Obviously you're going to gain weight during pregnancy – it stands to reason, considering you have a baby growing inside you! But if you have a good pre-pregnancy weight and a healthy metabolism, you should only put on between 10 to 13kg (22 to 29lbs).

As for the extra calories you need, this really only comes into play when you get to your third trimester. 200–300 extra calories a day should be enough for women who were a healthy weight before their pregnancy. But put aside those visions of double dinners! Just something like two extra slices of buttered wholemeal toast can supply those extra calories.

What you should eat during pregnancy?

How much you eat isn't as important as how well you eat. Your baby is getting their nourishment directly from you, so try and eat a well balanced diet, avoiding too many sugary snacks (which get your blood sugars up and then rapidly down again, confusing your metabolism and probably leaving you feeling quite low or lightheaded at times.)

The main thing is not to be too hard on yourself. Some days you'll feel ravenous, others you'll just want to pick at your food. If you have morning sickness, eating little and often will help too. Just go with your instincts. You'll be amazed how well your body is designed for pregnancy!

Healthy eating during pregnancy

Healthy eating during pregnancy

What kinds of foods should I be eating?

During pregnancy your unborn child gets all the nutrients they need to grow and develop from you. So, to ensure that you and your child stay healthy and strong during this exciting period, it is important that you eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Our food pyramid

Our food pyramid can be used as a helpful guideline for working out whether you are eating enough of the different food groups that make up a healthy diet.

Source: http://

Top tips for a healthy diet

Choose a variety of foods from each of the different food groups to make sure you’re getting a good balance.

• Ask your doctor about extra supplements if you’re worried you’re not eating from a particular food group.

• Have 3 regular meals and 2 to 3 light snacks a day.

• Include generous helpings of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and beans to increase your fibre intake.

• Drink water regularly – at least 8 glasses a day.

• Include other drinks in your diet such as low-fat milk, fresh fruit juices and soup.

• Eat one portion of oily fish and one portion of white fish each week (but avoid shark, swordfish and marlin).

• Use vegetable oils such as corn, olive and sunflower oil in your cooking, but use them sparingly.

• Limit your intake of processed and preserved foods as they usually contain high levels of salt.

• Reduce your caffeine intake to no more than 4 cups a day.

• Limit your intake of sweets, crisps, cakes, biscuits, fats, oils, and sugar. These all provide extra calories but not much of the nutritional value that you and your child need. Over-indulging now means it will be harder to regain your pre-pregnancy figure afterwards, so try to resist dipping into the biscuit tin too often!

Ahad, 4 November 2012




As you cross the threshold into one of life's exciting phase-pregnancy-you would be
overwhelmed with mix emotions, from excitement to apprehension.
 you also be swarmed with many warm wishes and well-meaning advice.
Indeed, pregnancy is a unique experiance that bring enormous to your body
and places heavy demands on you.
However, with some knowledge and preparation, you can enjoy your pregnancy
and at the same time ensure the best possible outcome for your baby.